It’s amazing how easy it is to forget the little niches in programming languages after going almost a year without using them. I recently had the pleasure of working on an ActionScript 2 project after almost a year of doing primarily ActionScript 3 development. This post will highlight a few things that can make ActionScript 2 development a bit more like 3. I’ll also provide links to resources that helped get me back in the mindset of AS2.

Event dispatching.
One of the toughest parts of going back to AS2 is the event handling. AS3 does this much better and one of my co-workers (@rexeisen) sent me this great link: AS3 Style Events in AS2

Singleton design pattern.
I found a great PDF outlining how to implement the singleton design pattern using AS2: Singleton Design Patter with AS2

My singleton implementation:

import com.cb.Utils.messaging.*;
import mx.utils.Delegate;

class com.sierrabravo.Utils.messaging.MessageManager
    private static var instance:MessageManager;
	private var _container:MovieClip;
	private var _currentContent:MovieClip;
	private var _tint:MovieClip;

    private function MessageManager()
        // Do nothing

    public static function getInstance():MessageManager
        if(MessageManager.instance == null)
	    	MessageManager.instance = new MessageManager();
        return MessageManager.instance;

	public function setParent(parentClip:MovieClip):Void
		_container = parentClip;
	public function updatePosition():Void
			_currentContent._x = (Stage.width - _currentContent._width) / 2;
			_currentContent._y = (Stage.height - _currentContent._height) / 2;
			_tint._width = Stage.width;
			_tint._height = Stage.height;
	public function addMessageWindowContent(contentWindow:MessageContentBase):Void
		_currentContent = _container.createEmptyMovieClip( "content", _container.getNextHighestDepth() );
		contentWindow.init( _currentContent );

		_currentContent._x = (Stage.width - _currentContent._width) / 2;
		_currentContent._y = (Stage.height - _currentContent._height) / 2;
		contentWindow.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, Delegate.create( this, closeWindow ));
	public function closeWindow():Void
		trace('close window');
	public function clearTint():Void

	public function tint():Void
		_tint = _container.createEmptyMovieClip("rectangles", _container.getNextHighestDepth());
		_tint.beginFill(0x000000, 50);
		_tint.lineStyle(1, 0x000033, 100);
		_tint.moveTo(0, 0);
		_tint.lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
		_tint.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
		_tint.lineTo(0, Stage.height);
		_tint.onRelease = function(){
		_tint.useHandCursor = false;

Preventing click through.
In the above example the screen is tinted to put focus on the pop up window. Unfortunately, even though there is a movie clip on top of everything else, it does not prevent interaction with the elements layered below it. In order to get around this I added an onRelease to the _tint movie clip along with a useHandCursor of false. This prevents interaction with elements below the tint. Here is the link to where I found this solution: Disable “Click-Through” on MovieClips in Flash

Debugging in ActionScript 2.
For the project we were working on it was not possible to use the built in debugger for Flash. Another great opportunity to use the Singleton design patter to include a trace window that can have text dumped out from any part of the application.

class com.cb.Utils.debug.Debugger
    private static var instance:Debugger;
	private var _textField:TextField;
	private var _parentClip:MovieClip;

    private function Debugger()
        // Do nothing

    public static function getInstance():Debugger
        if(Debugger.instance == null)
	    	Debugger.instance = new Debugger();
        return Debugger.instance;

    public function init(myText:TextField, parentClip:MovieClip):Void
        _textField = myText;
        _textField.wordWrap = true;
        _textField.background = true;
        _textField.border = true;
        _textField.multiline = true;
        _parentClip = parentClip;
    public function output(myString:String):Void
        if(_textField) {
             _textField.text += myString + "\n";

XML parsing.
Parsing XML is a key part of AS2 and AS3. I found a great tutorial on Loading XML data in Flash using ActionScript 2. This is my code for parsing XML.

public function init(clip:MovieClip):Void
	example_xml = new XML();
	example_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
	example_xml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onLoadEvent);
function onLoadEvent(success:Boolean):Void {
	if (success) {
		var myImage = example_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
		for (var i = 0; i<myImage.length; i++) {
			var pageNumber:Number = parseInt(myImage[i].childNodes[0].firstChild);
			var imageURL:String = myImage[i].childNodes[1].firstChild;
			var keywords:String = myImage[i].childNodes[2].firstChild.toString().toLowerCase();
			<pageText>This is page 1.</pageText>k
			<pageText>This is page 2.</pageText>

Delegate functions.
Notice above that a delegate function was used to keep the scope of the function with the current class. More information on delegate functions can be found here: The Delegate Class

That’s it for now. I know that I’ll be using this post as a reference the next time I have to jump on another AS2 project. Being able to use design patterns, event dispatching, and debugging actually made coding in AS2 fun! Enjoy.

Additional resources.

2 thoughts on “Re-Learning ActionScript 2

  1. Great post and great timing.

    With all the buzz in the recent days about Flash on devices, a lot of AS3 developers should be considering whether they should be venturing (back) into the world of AS2

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