This native extension allows you to detect the input pressure of compatible pen tablet devices. This post includes a video demo of the code running on the Eee Slate and a downloadable ANE that you can use without installing Visual Studio.

A big thanks to the Magical Hobo for creating the c++ code for this. The only problem is that the code was built in debug mode and requires Visual Studio and the MSVCP100D.dll. Great for people who want to dive into the c++ code but it adds a lot of upfront time in getting everything setup.

After downloading the project from GitHub, removing all debug dependencies and re-building in release mode, the ANE was ready for use without Visual Studio. If you’d like the full c++ source, checkout the Magical Hobo’s source on GitHub.

More information on Adobe Native Extensions:

Link to original c++ source code by the Magical Hobo:

How do you know if your device can detect pressure?
Open up PhotoShop, select a brush, click on the pressure sensitivity icon and start drawing. If PhotoShop can detect the sensitivity than you should be good to go.

> Touch sensitive capable device.
> Windows OS
> Flash Builder 4.6
> AIR 3.1

Download the ANE:

One thought on “Detect Pen Tablet Pressure using an AIR Native Extension

  1. Hey Chris, nice work on the video and ANE. Your presentation is way better than mine. Feel free to submit the updated files in a pull request or patch on GitHub.

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