Flash Outperforms HTML5 on Mobile Devices

***Another Update: I’ve created a new post with a more complex animation and have also included SVG into the mix: http://www.blackcj.com/blog/2010/09/22/canvas-flash-and-svg-mobile-comparison/ *** ***Update: I’m already three steps ahead of this article. I have already received / analyzed the optimized JS in a later post. Please read all four articles on this topic before replying or […]

Define Popup Window Size in HTML Text

Executing JavaScript in a Flash HTML TextField is both cool and a little scary. You can throw some inline JavaScript in your htmlText to dynamically specify a pop up window size when using target=”_blank.” This works in both ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0. Pop up Window Example: Example of Inline Java Script (click on the […]

YouTube in AIR

The YouTube video player is currently written in ActionScript 2.0 and integrating it into an AIR application requires a few additional steps. There are many solutions available that reverse engineer the URL to get access to the source video FLV, however, this breaks the terms of service and is not officially supported by YouTube or […]